Enrolment Enquiry

For all new enrolment enquiries please fill in the Enrolment Enquiry Form below and someone will contact you for further discussion.  


 The Department of Education has released an updated statewide Foundation (Prep) enrolment timeline for the 2026 school year. The timeline advises families when and how to enrol their child into Foundation (Prep) at Belvoir Special School due to our enrolment criteria we have some additional steps. 

  1. Register for our School Tour and Information Session during Term 1 and 2 of 2025.
  2. You will be able to apply to enrol your child in Foundation (Prep) 2025 at Belvoir Primary School from 5th February.
  3. Collect enrolment forms, provided by the school, from our school tour and information session. 
  4. Submit to the school your enrolment application for Foundation (Prep) by Friday 20 June 2025
  5. Assessment requests submitted, relevant forms and assessments completed.
  6. Special School Verification form submitted.
  7. You will be notified of the outcome of verification and Foundation enrolment application.
  8. Take part in enrolment information and transition sessions during Term 4, 2025.
    Prepare your child to start Foundation (Prep) from Thursday 29 January 2026.
    Enrolment applications submitted after 20 June 2025 will be processed by our school as they are received, in accordance with the department’s Placement Policy.


Enrolment in specialist schools

In Victoria, all students with disability have a legislated right to enrol at their designated neighbourhood school and may be enrolled at another neighbourhood school subject to sufficient accommodation. Refer to the Placement Policy for more information.

In addition to neighbourhood schools, there are a range of government specialist schools and education settings available for students with specific disability and high needs. These settings include specialist schools, specialist campuses and supported inclusion schools.

Each specialist setting has specific enrolment eligibility criteria that are approved by the Minister for Education or their delegates (typically the department’s regional directors). 

Determining enrolment eligibility for specialist settings

In order to make an offer of enrolment, the specialist setting must establish that the prospective student’s disability category meets the enrolment criteria in the specialist setting’s local enrolment policy using one of the following 2 options:

  • current Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD) eligibility, including current assessments, under the disability category outlined in the specialist setting’s enrolment criteria
  • a disability category verification request with an outcome of ‘verified’, under the disability category outlined in the specialist setting’s enrolment criteria (refer to ‘Submitting a disability category verification request’ below).

Enrolment Criteria:

The following enrolment criteria have been specified and approved by the Regional Director, North East Victoria Region (as the Minister’s delegate) under section 2.2.16(b) of the Education and Training Reform Act 2006 (Vic).

The enrolment criteria have been determined based on the identified education needs of students in the community. A student’s enrolment will be reviewed periodically in line with their needs. Students seeking to enrol must have:

Intellectual Disability

A diagnosis of Intellectual Disability from a registered psychologist evidenced by:

  1. Sub-average general intellectual functioning which is demonstrated by a full-scale score of two standard deviations or more below the mean score on a standardised individual test of general intelligence, (for example a full scale score of 70 or below on one of the recommended standardised individual tests of intelligence);


  1. Significant deficits in adaptive behaviour established by a composite score of two standard deviations or more below the mean on an approved standardised test of adaptive behaviour,(for example a Vineland Adaptive Behaviour Scales composite score of 70 or below);


  1. A history and evidence of an ongoing problem with an expectation of continuation during the school years.

Applications from students who do not meet the above criteria will be considered on a case-by case basis by the region, in consultation with the Principal, in consideration of the student’s education and support needs. The Regional Director, North East Victoria Region must approve enrolments for students who do not meet the eligibility criteria.

Enrolment Process:

The Wodonga Federation of Government Schools adhere to the Department of Education enrolment process.

  1. Visit the “Find My School” website https://www.findmyschool.vic.gov.au/
  2. Identify your neighbourhood school by entering your address

All children have the right to attend their designated neighbourhood school.

  1. Identify your nearest Special School and other educational settings
  1. Contact your neighbourhood school and arrange an enrolment meeting and tour.
  2. Contact relevant specialist school/s and other specialist education settings and arrange an enrolment meeting and tour.
  3. Complete enrolment form and provide supporting documentation such as your child’s birth certificate and Immunisation History Statement, Allied Health reports and assessments


  1. Documentation reviewed and other supporting evidence may be necessary. Additional assessments may be organised by school to support disability category verification.
  2. Specialists school disability category verification request form completed.
  1. After the Special School Verification form has been submitted and approved, we can proceed with enrolled at Belvoir Special School.
  2. To support your child’s enrolment and transition to school a Student Support Group meeting (SSG) will be organised in conjunction with a member of our school leadership team.

Moving during the year

Movement between Wodonga Government Schools is discouraged between term; however, appointments with the Principal are always available to discuss your options.
​Please speak with your current Principal first.


Families who relocate to Wodonga throughout the year are encouraged to bring all relevant documentation with them to the principal appointment.
Movement between Victorian schools is done online and communications between schools is essential prior to new enrolments being accepted